Time 4A Pint
Written by Claire Scaramanga
Simon attended the, cleverly named, Time 4A Pint event in London, which brings together watch enthusiasts so they can be, well, enthusiastic about watches.

The room was packed, so it is difficult to say how many collectors attended. About 40-50. A mixture of serious collectors and beginners, with collections big and small. Simon accompanied Max Van Brauge, who was there to share some of his collection (see above picture).

It was great to see people getting together over a genuine love of the thing they’ve chosen to collect. Irrespective of ones natural ability to socialise/mingle, once the conversation start flowing about watches then it didn’t stop. And although these watches were clearly precious to the collectors in the room, everyone was happy to allow you to hold their prized possession and try it on.
A surprisingly enjoyable evening, which also included a couple of pints. Well, after all, it would be rude not to given the name of the event.