Being a bit zen
Written by Claire Scaramanga
Shortly after lockdown started, the Scaramanga team signed up to an eight-week course in mindfulness and meditation, to help us all with the pressures and stresses that the pandemic has put on everyone.

We worked with How to be Mindful, based in East Grinstead, and the course was run online on Microsoft Teams, although Zoom would have worked just as well.
We started with learning how to undertake a body scan meditation while lying down, moved onto sitting meditation while being very conscious of breath, eventually transitioning to emptying our minds and getting lost in the peace of meditation practice.
We also learned how to be mindful, practising on undertaking daily tasks in a mindful way. One of team freaked out quite a few other pedestrians while walking extremely slowly in a very mindful way!
Nick from How to be Mindful also talked about stress and the negative impact it has on both your physical and mental well-being. We looked at pain and how meditation can help you deal better with it – not necessarily making it go away, but rather how you react to pain.
It was a great course, with lasting benefits for all of us.