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Southend Borough Council

Policy & Partnerships chose Scaramanga because of their previous work with Southend Borough Council with the POD team, as well as their ability to bring a viewpoint beyond the public sector and their business perspective.

Team members having a discussion around a wooden table. Their faces are mostly out of frame, however you can see their hands and notepads. There is a glass window at the end of the table flooding light onto the table.

Project overview

Southend Borough Council asked Scaramanga to support the bringing together of two separate teams into one, with a need to understand what their value proposition was and how they could market this. The team members were demoralised, with no sense of a clear remit. There was no budget for a dedicated marketing resource, or for outsourcing this, so the skills needed to be embedded within the team.

Our approach

We designed and ran a series of marketing workshops for the team to define its service propositions, brand values and key messages and then create campaign plans to market Policy and Partnerships to its internal and external audiences. The purpose of the workshops was to develop a clearly defined marketing strategy and to enable the team to design and manage campaigns going forward.

We also worked concurrently with each team member individually to develop their personal brand. These one-to-one sessions brought out their strengths, their long term career goals, their “elevator pitch” to base their personal marketing upon, and a marketing plan to raise their profile and achieve their goals.

By running the team and individual sessions concurrently, the one was reinforced by the other and allowed all the threads to be pulled together into a cohesive whole.


Our approach of working concurrently with the team and individuals brought the two teams together very quickly. They now have a clear team proposition and goal, and have been taken out of “survival mode”, with an injection of confidence at a personal and team level, thus making a “visible change”.

The team now knows how to market itself, at a team and personal level, understanding how and where to raise awareness and influence. There is already wider engagement at all levels, with increased networking, influence and greater engagement with the directors of the Council.

One individual’s ability and effectiveness at presenting to the directors at senior management meetings has been “revolutionised”!

The team members have much greater insight into their strengths, as well as those of their colleagues. This has led to getting the best people together on projects, based on skill and experience, rather than people preferring to work with those they know best.

From a management perspective, the personal branding has given a better understanding of strengths so that their manager can invest appropriately and get the most out of her team. Longer term, it has given a clear path for succession planning.


Claire is a joy to work with - knowledgeable; flexible; and a strong deliverer. Claire's ability to draw in the whole team to tasks was excellent and she operates well with individuals at different stages of the career path.

Lysanne Eddy Head of Policy, Engagement and Communication, Southend Borough Council

Claire has supported our team with her expert marketing knowledge and structured facilitation enabling real insight and progress with our marketing plan. Claire has a professional, enthusiastic and friendly approach, putting putting people at ease whether they are senior managers or staff less familiar with strategic planning/marketing.

Neil Keeler Southend Borough Council

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