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Publishing workflow

Craft provides content authors a streamlined process for creating and publishing content. From shareable drafts to inline content creation, you will find Craft a dream to work with.

  • Save pages as drafts for review before publishing
  • Made a mistake? No worries, you can roll back easily to a previous state.

Key features of Craft CMS publishing workflow

No plugin required. Craft natively provides a plethora of cool publishing tools…

  • Revisions

    Make a mistake, then roll back to a previous version (and preview it first using live preview), save notes for each version to make it easier to track changes.

  • Cloning

    Reduce the time it takes to create content by cloning an existing page and make any relevant changes to the content.

  • Autosave

    Craft automatically saves changes as you make updates to your content. If your change was accidental then you can easily discard the mistake.

  • Drafts

    If you need more time or would like to get it peered reviewed before publishing, then save it as a draft. Drafts can wither been published or discarded at any time.

  • Shareable Drafts

    Send a special link to a colleague so they can review changes before publishing or to an external partner without needing to grant them access to the CMS.

  • Inline content creation

    Craft streamlines the content authoring process by providing content authors shortcuts allowing them create content on the fly.

  • Version control

    Craft highlights any fields where the content has been changed, making it easy to understand the difference between versions.

A demo of Craft’s publishing workflow

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Explore the power of the Page builder matrix field

Asset management is just one of the many great features Craft offers, but there is much more. Learn more about how you can manage you page content with the powerful matrix field.

Explore the page builder
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Learn more about other Craft features

We have created a few pages that showcase some of the key features Craft offers.

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