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Launching new products and services

We can show the Space X programme a thing or two about launching stuff.

Don’t risk missing an opportunity to successfully bring your new product or service to market after you have spent all that time developing it.

At Scaramanga, we love big thinkers like Elon Musk and, of course, you. You have the vision and the big ideas, but getting it off the ground requires more than adding propulsion fuel. It requires a team with a different skill set that knows how to put everything together to make that important break through.

Our highly skilled crew are well positioned to offer insights on how to reach your target markets with the messages that resonate.

  • Campaign planning and execution
  • Design and artwork of both print and digital assets
  • Animated video
  • Social media promotion
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • PPC and paid for marketing activity

An initiative - members club for Control Energy Costs

Our client, Control Energy Costs, wanted to launch a new initiative, the Made In Energy Club is part of The Made In Group and offers cost savings to businesses on their energy procurement.


We devised an integrated campaign that included the following assets and activity

  • Brochure
  • Landing Page
  • Live Q&A
  • Video
  • Social Media promotional activity


The campaign has been incredibly successful. The team received their first enquiry immediately after the live Q&A to launch the initiative and has continued to onboard new clients ever since.

See more Control Energy Costs videos

Made In Energy Club Launch Video

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A product - MyT accountancy app for micro-businesses

MyT is a powerful bookkeeping app aimed at sole traders and micro-businesses. It allows them to track expenses and mileage and create client invoices on the go from their phone.

Our brief was to help raise the app’s visibility by creating a simple new identity that would primarily work as an icon on app stores.


  • A new icon that doubles as a logo
  • Brochure (including copywriting)
  • Adverts, and promotional images to use on App Stores to sell the concept.
  • Facebook advertising campaign


The Facebook ad campaign we ran was successful and had a good CPM and click-through rate.

Discover more about MyT

MyT Bookkeeping Animation

Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video.

An image of the MyT brand brochure cover.
MyT app brand brochure

A service - security for The Sheriffs Office

The Sheriffs Office undertake a lot of trespasser eviction work and came to us when they realised there was an opportunity for an additional security service offering.

The new security offering means that security is offered upfront as a solution to prevent further issues and mitigate the risk of further trespassing.

We were on hand to help scope this out and bring to life a campaign plan to reach their target audience effectively.


  • Social media campaign
  • New brochure
  • Articles and blogs
  • newsletter content
  • A slightly different colour identity


The Security service is taken up often when their clients instruct them to evict trespassers. This has led to it being a key revenue generator for the business that has gone from strength to strength.

An image composite of The Sheriffs Office brochure and website
Brochure and website for The Sheriffs Office