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A black & white photo of Simon, a smiling middle-aged white man with short hair and a short beard.


Simon is our Creative Director as well as a designer, web developer and the official tea boy. With over 25 years design experience working with clients from International brands to arts festivals, he is adept at finding the perfect creative solutions.

Simon is proud to break the misnomer about the types of people with dominant left/right brain activity – equally loving both the creative process of design and the logical skillset to develop sophisticated websites. In fact, he has been developing websites professionally since 1995 (essentially from the beginning), which we think makes him a rare breed. Of what species, we are uncertain.

He loves typography and is a stickler for punctuation and good grammar. More than that he cares about kindness and promotes it at every opportunity.

In his spare time Simon can be found scaling mountains on multi-day hikes with a spot of wild camping squeezed in for good measure. If he is unable to get to the mountains then his other eclectic hobbies include running, bushcraft or carving things out of wood.

Likes and dislikes


  • Mountains
  • Kindness
  • Music (most genres)
  • Woodwork


  • Monarchy
  • The word passionate
  • Sugar

Simon's Latest Activity

More of the team

Meet all the team that's behind bringing it all together in a tidy package. We each add out dose of richness to all challenges that clients set us.

Charlotte White

Social Media Assistant

Dawn Kinder

Office Manager

Peter Burgess

Digital Designer

Emma King

Social Media Manager

Amy Shaw

Account Manager

Claire Scaramanga

Client Services Director